Let’s talk about the benefits of NOT working out.

After running the Huntsville half marathon on Saturday, I planned to take a couple days off from working out like I usually do after a race, but then I wasn’t feeling well and suddenly it’s been 4 days since I last worked out!

Benefits of NOT working out

Now I know 4 days is not that long and I did do a deep stretching yoga video on Sunday, but I’m not sure that really counts as working out. But still, 4 days of ZERO exercise (aside from walking around) is the longest I have gone without working out in a very long time.

This got me thinking about how I used to not work out or eat very well but how I’ve been consistent with working out now for about 8 years. Even when I’m not training for something in particular or I feel like I’m in a workout rut, I still do some type of physical activity at least 3-4 days a week, on average.

I think a big part of my being consistent with working out is finding things I enjoy doing. Obviously I love to run and signing up for races pushes me to train and get outside of my comfort zone (if I don’t sign up for distance races I typically don’t run more than 3 miles at a time).

But when I’m not training or I’m burnt out on running (it happens), I like to shake things up and try new things. I think it’s important to find something you enjoy doing so that it becomes routine and you don’t dread doing it.

But I’ve also got to thinking about the benefits of NOT working out. I have definitely noticed a couple these last few days.

Benefits of NOT Working Out

  • Having to carry less stuff around with me. I am often on the go meeting clients, networking, consulting, etc. and am all over town with a less than consistent schedule. This often means I have to bring my workout clothes and shoes with me, which means I sometimes leave the house carrying lots of stuff, which can be rather annoying.
  • Less laundry to do. Working out means getting sweaty/smelly (at least for me, on most occasions), which means my laundry basket piles up pretty quickly.
  • Less washing/fixing my hair. I have long, thick hair and having to wash, dry, and style it daily can be quite the hassle. When I don’t work out, I can often get away with a little dry shampoo for at least an extra day.
  • Less planning. Similar to having less stuff to carry, my inconsistent on-the-go schedule means I have to plan ahead and figure out when I can get a workout in whether that’s a run on my own before or after work, or going to a fitness class with ClassPass. It takes some planning and scheduling and it’s nice to not have to worry about it sometimes.
  • More time. Even though during the week my workouts only last 30-60 minutes, with travel time and getting cleaned up after, that can easily become 2-3 hours of my day that I have available to do other things with when I’m not working out.
  • Save on food costs. Now I’m not really sure this is true as I feel I’ve been eating the same amount these past few days as I normally do, but theoretically if you’re not working out you would not need to eat as much food, right?

Obviously this post is all in good fun. There are TONS of benefits to working out and I don’t plan to stop working out anytime soon (I’ve got another half marathon in 11.5 weeks!) but I have enjoyed the break (although not entirely as I’ve been sick and that’s no fun).

Also, did you know that November is Pomegranate Month? I gave this recipe to the kitchen crew at one of my consulting gigs and they made it today and it was SO GOOD!!!

Pomegranate Apple Chicken Salad by The Creative Bite

Do you have any benefits of NOT working out to add to the list?

Have you tried pomegranate before?

Now, if you are working out, you may be worried you are under fueling. If that’s the case, grab my  FREE handout on Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S).

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