If you feel obsessed with or addicted to food, this post is for you.

How Intuitive Eating can help with feelings of food addiction.

How Intuitive Eating can help with feelings of food addiction

In case you missed it…

Food is meant to be pleasurable and rewarding! That is your body’s biological response to make sure you continue to eat in order to stay alive.

It’s okay to like & enjoy food. This is not something to be ashamed of!

How Intuitive Eating can help with feelings of food addiction

So if you feel that you are addicted to food, please know there is HOPE! You CAN repair your relationship with food.

Here are 3 steps to begin healing your relationship with food

1. Begin to examine and challenge diet culture rules, thoughts, and beliefs. Where did those messages come from? Are they serving you? What would it be like to let go of ONE food rule?

2. Give your body regular and adequate nutrition/energy. When we are not adequately nourished, we crave food! If you begin to feed your body more regularly and adequately, notice what happens. How do you feel? Do your food cravings change at all?

3. Work on food neutrality and making peace with food. Food is not “good” or “bad”. Food is neutral. We have assigned these moralistic thoughts and feelings to food. Babies are not born thinking sugar is bad!

Ultimately, you need to eat your “bad” or “forbidden” foods (unless you have a food allergy or legitimate medical condition that requires you to not eat a certain food). This is something you have to experience so you that you can rebuild trust with yourself and food.

Please note:

Doing this work on your own may be ineffective, scary, and may reinforce your beliefs that you are addicted to food. It’s okay to seek help and support! You do not have to do this alone!

I highly recommend seeking out an anti-diet, Health at Every Size (HAES) professional to do this work with. You can reach out to me directly for support or additional provider recommendations.

This process takes time so there’s going to be a lot of practice, exploring, and getting curious; which requires a lot of patience, self-kindness, and self-compassion.

This work is HARD. But it is possible to make peace with food and heal your relationship with food and your body. And it is so worth it!

Looking for More?

Download my FREE Guide – 5 Steps to Stop Obsessing About Food and Your Body

Need Support? Work with Me:

You can submit a no-obligation inquiry into working with me one-on-one and I’ll send you more information via email.

You can also join the waitlist for my Intuitive Eating support group for women. The next group begins Fall 2022.

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