Today we are discussing the final principle of Intuitive Eating – Intuitive Eating Principle 10 Gentle Nutrition.

Intuitive Eating Principle 10: Gentle Nutrition

In case you missed it:

Intuitive Eating book 4th edition

Intuitive Eating Principle 10 Gentle Nutrition

The snapshot of Intuitive Eating Principle 10 Gentle Nutrition is: “Make food choices that honor your health and taste buds while making you feel good. Remember that you don’t have to eat perfectly to be healthy. You will not suddenly get a nutrient deficiency or become unhealthy, from one snack, one meal, or one day of eating. It’s what you eat consistently over time that matters. Progress, not perfection, is what counts.”

This is the last principle of Intuitive Eating. But that doesn’t mean this journey is over! Remember, Intuitive Eating is NOT a 10-step linear process. You have likely experienced some ebbs and flows, ups and downs, success and setbacks along this journey. That is 100% okay. Remember to be kind and compassionate with yourself.

Intuitive Eating Principle 10: Gentle Nutrition

You may be wondering why an approach to eating created by two Registered Dietitians waits until the last principle to discuss nutrition. That’s on purpose! Everyone is so ingrained in diet culture messages that you have to first assess, reflect, and begin to challenge your mindset and beliefs before you can think about health and nutrition.

Nutrition is only one piece of overall health.

There are many other factors to consider such as stress, sleep, movement, social connection, poverty and discrimination, access to healthcare, etc. The CDC estimates that health behaviors account for about 25% of overall health. Here, you can read more about the Social Determinants of Health.

Honestly, people have made food and eating much harder than it needs to be. This is in large part due to the media and the blown out of proportion messages around food and diets. Unfortunately, for most people, the basic concepts of eat more fruits and vegetables, eat less added sugar, and move your body in a way that feels good are just not extreme enough or sexy enough. They instead seek out some “miracle cure” or “quick fix” to all their problems in life, which hopefully by now we all know doesn’t exist!

If your worries and obsession around food and your body are interfering with your life, then it has become a problem. Eating should be an enjoyable and vital part of regular, daily life. If you find yourself obsessing over what to eat, or when to eat, or how a certain food will affect your body, it’s time to seek help. Being worried about food choices is often times more stressful and harmful to the body than that particular food choice actually is. It’s important to go back and remind yourself of YOUR definition of health.

We will continue this discussion next week in Intuitive Eating Principle 10 Gentle Nutrition In Real Life. Stay tuned!


If you have been following along on this Intuitive Eating journey with me or hearing about Intuitive eating elsewhere and wanting to learn more, or you’ve been doing some learning on your own and are ready to have the support of others on the journey with you, I have the perfect resource for you:

A 12-week small group coaching experience to help you heal your relationship with food and your body, ditch dieting for good, get back to trusting yourself around food AND enjoying the foods you actually like!

Group will be held live via online video >> Thursdays at 6:00pm CST (recordings will be sent out if you are unable to attend live). The group runs quarterly. FULL DETAILS HERE.


This blog and Instagram series I am doing is not meant to be a replacement for reading the Intuitive Eating book or working through the Intuitive Eating Workbook. Rather it’s to provide an overview of the Intuitive Eating concept and principles to bring more awareness to the fact that there is an alternative to dieting and restricting.

For More Intuitive Eating Resources

Download my FREE Guide – 5 Steps to Stop Obsessing About Food and Your Body

Individual Nutrition Coaching – if you’re looking for more individualized support, check out my options for working together one on one.

Intuitive Eating Support Group for Women – if you’re interested in learning more about Intuitive Eating in a supportive, small group environment, this is the group for you!

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