What is food addiction? This post is going to cover what food addiction is, what causes food addiction, the restrict-binge cycle, and additional resources.

What is food addiction?

What is food addiction?

Have you ever thought or felt you were addicted to food? Carbs? Sugar?

Have you ever been told you were addicted to food? Carbs? Sugar?

If so, I am SO SORRY!

First, let me tell you that if you FEEL addicted to food or out of control or obsessed, that is completely VALID. The way you feel is real.

What is food addiction?

But are you actually addicted to food?

I had a nutrition coaching client that told me her personal trainer had told her she was likely a “carb addict.” Like WTAF?!

Carbs are necessary for LIFE. Can you really be “addicted” to something necessary for living?

A lot of times, what leads to feelings of food addiction is diet culture rules and restriction (aka not eating enough). When we don’t eat enough, our body is hungry, which means it sends us signals to eat more! Which, for some people, can feel scary and make them feel out of control around food.

Read more about signs and symptoms of disordered eating on my What is Disordered Eating blog post.

What Causes Food Addiction?

First, diet culture, which includes dieting, disordered eating behaviors, and often restriction, is what leads to food obsession.

Restriction leads to food obsession

The Restrict – Binge Cycle

The restrict – binge – repeat cycle is very common in our diet culture, thin-obsessed society and something I see a lot in my work with individual clients.

Restrict binge cycle

The cycle starts out with restriction or telling yourself not to eat X food. Maybe you are able to avoid it for a while – a few hours, days, maybe even longer. You feel in control.

Eventually the cravings are so strong you “give in” and end up eating more than feels good or you feel out of control.

This is often because of the psychological deprivation effects – the mentality that this is the LAST time. This is the last time you will ever eat this food again so you better eat it ALL because you will NEVER have it again.

Cue the GUILT and SHAME! And the cycle begins again. Over and over and over…

When there is not enough food coming in, our innate survival mechanisms kick in. This is why it’s so hard to maintain a strict, restrictive diet.

It is NOT a lack of willpower that keeps you from staying on a diet, it’s your body doing its job keeping you alive!

Remember, it makes sense you feel addicted to food because we live in a society that tells us food, or at least certain foods, should be demonized, and we are “bad” if we eat them.

Stay Tuned for More

Stay tuned as we next discuss the evidence on food addiction and then how Intuitive Eating can help with feelings of food addiction.

In the meantime, if you are struggling with food obsession, feelings of food addiction, or otherwise feel distressed about food, exercise, or your body, submit a no-obligation inquiry into working with me one-on-one and I’d love to help!

If you feel like thoughts around food and your body are all consuming, download my FREE guide – 5 Steps to Stop Obsessing About Food and Your Body

You do NOT need a clinical eating disorder (ED) diagnosis to seek help!

food addiction help

Some additional resources on food addiction

Food Psych Podcast Episode 80: The Truth About “Food Addiction” with Marci Evans

Think You Have a Sugar Addiction? Here’s Why Cutting Out Sugar Might Actually Backfire. Huffington Post.

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