
Weight-Inclusive Training for Dietitians and Other Healthcare Professionals

This course will teach you how to shift your thinking and your work with clients from weight-centric (weight-loss) to weight-inclusive (weight-neutral) and will provide you with all the tips, tools, and resources you need to do so!

Why this course is needed

  • Healthcare professionals are still making inaccurate assumptions about fat people
  • Weight is not an individual choice and losing weight is unattainable and unsuccessful for most
  • Some dietitians are STILL recommending low-calorie diets
  • Fat people are feeling shame at the doctor’s office
  • Weight-centric providers and organizations are co-opting anti-diet and Health at Every Size® making it hard for patients to know who to trust
  • Providers that want to provide weight-inclusive care don’t know how to do so!
Weight-inclusive healthcare

This course is FOR YOU if you: 

  • Feel unsure of how to describe your work as a weight-inclusive healthcare provider

  • Feel uncomfortable when a client asks you about weight loss

  • Feel like you’re lacking practical tips, tools, and resources for working with clients in a weight-inclusive way

  • Are practicing from a weight-centric (weight-loss) perspective but feel like your clients don’t see results, don’t stick with you long-term, and you feel like there has to be another way!

And you want to… 

  • Learn why the weight-centric model needs to go and why the weight-inclusive approach works
  • Learn why diets don’t work and why intentional weight loss is harmful
  • Understand the full spectrum of health and why health is more than just medical care

  • Define and understand the body image spectrum and how to talk with your clients about body image

  • Learn ways to actively work towards body liberation and fat liberation for all bodies

  • Understand fatphobia and weight stigma and how it affects your clients
  • Understand how anti-diet healthcare looks different than weight-centric

Healthcare Professionals…

This course is for you if you are a healthcare professional including:

  • Dietitians
  • Therapists
  • Nurses
  • Doctors
  • Personal Trainers and Group Fitness Instructors
  • Students and Healthcare Practitioners to be
  • Anyone else working with people!

See What We Cover in the Weight-Centric to Weight-Inclusive Course:

Part 1

Why the weight-centric model needs to go and why the weight-inclusive approach WORKS

What's Inside

Module 1

  • What diet culture is, where it came from – and the damage it does

  • What the anti-diet approach is, how to incorporate it with clients, and how it compares to the one-size-fits all diet model

  • What Intuitive Eating is, what it is NOT, and the benefits of this anti-diet approach to nutrition and health

  • What the Health at Every Size® (HAES®) movement is and how their agenda to shift the focus from weight management to health promotion is beneficial for your clients

  • How weight-inclusive care takes healthcare to the next level by giving fat people the same interventions we give thin people

Module 2

Learn where weight-centric healthcare and the BMI came from and why it’s still (incorrectly) being taught to healthcare professionals today:

  • Why so many healthcare professionals, unfortunately, still put a big emphasis on someone’s body size and often prescribe weight loss as a “cure” for many ailments
  • Why the BMI categories are completely arbitrary and not based on science
  • What research studies regarding BMI and health have really found
  • Why “obesity” is not a disease and is not about health
  • Understanding if there are times when weight measures are necessary and how to do so in a compassionate way

Module 3

Learn why diets don’t work and why intentional weight loss is harmful

  • Weight loss strongly predicts weight gain

  • Weight loss does not result in better health outcomes

  • How IWL leads to disordered eating and eating disorders

  • How restricting and dieting affect the metabolism

  • Why weight cycling is the most common result of dieting

  • The harms of weight cycling

Module 4

Understand the full spectrum of health and why health is more than just medical care

  • What the social determinants of health are and how they play a role in one’s health outcomes

  • Why you can tell more about one’s health status by their zip code than by their BMI

  • The relationship between anti-blackness and current focuses in health

  • The racist history of BMI, weight-centric care, and diet culture’s obsession with thinness

  • Why nutrition is so much more than the food we eat

Module 5

Define and understand the body image spectrum

  • How body image is on a spectrum and is not black and white

  • Understand what body image is and how it affects clients’ behaviors and health outcomes

  • Body image in modern society and how to make peace with your body in a world obsessed with thinness

  • The impact of social media on body image

  • Understand the concepts of body image, including body acceptance, body neutrality, body respect, and body liberation

  • Why body liberation is the ultimate goal, not body “positivity”

Module 6

Understand how anti-diet healthcare looks different than weight-centric

  • Anti-diet and HAES® aligned medical care for certain conditions

  • Review HAES health sheets and handouts on a variety of health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, and PCOS

Part 2

Understand fatphobia, weight stigma, body liberation and fat liberation

What's Inside

Module 7

Understand fatphobia and weight stigma and how it affects your clients

  • Discover how you are personally affected by fatphobia and stigma – and how your biases are unintentionally affecting your work with clients

  • Understand the harmful, even deadly, effects of fatphobia and weight stigma in healthcare

  • Recognize the impact of white supremacy in the development of systemic oppression for fat bodies

  • Learn how to make sure your practice and office space are accessible and welcoming for all bodies

Module 8

Learn ways to actively work towards body liberation and fat liberation for all bodies

  • Why body “positivity” individualizes something that is bigger than the individual

  • Liberation is recognizing the systemic issues that surround us in diet culture

  • How Health at Every Size®, Intuitive Eating, anti-diet, body positivity, and body liberation are all rooted in the fat acceptance movement

    Part 3

    Resource Library – These are practical tips, tools and handouts you can use in your practice straight away. These are the same resources I use in my practice.

    What's Inside

    How client care looks different from an anti-diet, HAES® perspective

    •  What NOT to say to your clients

    • How to answer questions from clients or other practitioners who are not anti-diet (i.e. weight loss, health, etc.)

    • How to navigate when clients say things like, “I know I need to lose weight because of my sleep apnea” or “my cholesterol has gone up since I’ve gained weight.”

    • How to respond when someone DOES ask about weight loss.

    Handouts for your clients

    • How to advocate for themselves – handouts, scripts, questions to ask

    • Size inclusive clothing brands and practical recommendations for when body weight changes

    How to market your weight-inclusive practice

    • Language to use on your website and on sales calls

    • How to briefly and concisely explain anti-diet and HAES®

    • New client intake paperwork (language to use, questions to ask and not ask, etc.)

    Weight-inclusive things to consider for an in-person practice

    • Accessibility and adequate furniture and tools

    • Intake paperwork

    • How to navigate weighing clients (and if you should)

    Self-compassion resources and tools for you and your clients

    Tools and strategies to help clients work through their perceptions of their body (body image)

    Real life client examples

    • Working with clients from a HAES® perspective
    • Common topics of conversation or questions asked
    • Client outcomes and testimonials

    Resources, resources, and MORE resources!!

    Hi, I’m Jill!

    I’m a Registered Dietitian and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor

    specializing in helping people break free from diet culture. I was trained as a dietitian in the weight-centric space and in my over 8 years of experience, I have since learned and evolved as a provider and now firmly stand in the weight-inclusive space.

    The weight-inclusive approach to healthcare means I believe all bodies are good and everyone deserves respect, care, and acceptance. We, as healthcare practitioners, need to evaluate our own biases and work to treat all human beings as whole people and NOT make assumptions about anyone’s health, goals, or concerns based on their body. 

    Are you ready to feel confident in your weight-inclusive work?


    The current price for this course is $197

    With an equity rate available for marginalized individuals (race, class, (dis)ability(-ies), and/or fatness).

    If you are a member of an under-represented group and would like equity-based pricing, please email me and you will receive a coupon code, no questions asked.

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