Breaking Down the Menstrual Cycle

Breaking Down the Menstrual Cycle

The menstrual cycle is a monthly hormonal cycle that prepares a woman for pregnancy. It has various hormones and phases and can become quite confusing to understand! However, let’s break it down to get a better understanding.  Let’s Take a Closer Look at...
Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S)

Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S)

Have you heard of Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S)? It is a common syndrome that looks at the signs and consequences of under-fueling. Previously known as the Female Athlete Triad, RED-S is a broader, more comprehensive term for a...
Cooking Oils

Cooking Oils

Cooking oils are a source of dietary fat. This post outlines nutritional information of different oils, things to look for, uses of cooking oils, smoke points, and more. Cooking Oils Oils provide us with a dietary source of fat. They contain varying levels of...
Intuitive Eating Principle 10 Gentle Nutrition

Intuitive Eating Principle 10 Gentle Nutrition

Today we are discussing the final principle of Intuitive Eating – Intuitive Eating Principle 10 Gentle Nutrition. In case you missed it: What is Intuitive Eating?Intuitive Eating Principle 1: Reject the Diet MentalityIntuitive Eating in Real Life: Principle...

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